The task for this project was to create a language system based on a dystopia 50 years in the future. The question we had to ask ourselves was how will communication and language change based on current conditions and factors in 2024, out of the year 2074? To do this we thought about how language has changed in look, sound, and feel because of our scenario. This leads us to our unfortunate future 50 years from now: nuclear war.
The year is 2061. The world has made many advancements and specifically Detroit has high-tech technology, occupied buildings, easy access to transportation, and a strong sense of national pride. However, tensions across the world are increasing and the threat of World War III is on our doorstep. Unfortunately, the world engages in nuclear war and Detroit, along with many other other large U.S. cities, is hit with a nuclear bomb. The aftermath was gruesome and some of the consequences included nuclear fallout, an electromagnetic pulse, nuclear winter, and contaminated environments. This caused not only Detroit, but most of the infrastructure of the world to collapse. To survive in this new world people have to scavenge for old waste and technology in these large cities to sell to the government for food and supplies. To survive the radiation people are forced to live in hazmat suits with gas masks. This makes verbal communication incredibly difficult. Thus, glyph started to form. This language is based on simple everyday objects and is drawn, scratched, or painted onto surfaces.
The year is 2061. The world has made many advancements and specifically Detroit has high-tech technology, occupied buildings, easy access to transportation, and a strong sense of national pride. However, tensions across the world are increasing and the threat of World War III is on our doorstep. Unfortunately, the world engages in nuclear war and Detroit, along with many other other large U.S. cities, is hit with a nuclear bomb. The aftermath was gruesome and some of the consequences included nuclear fallout, an electromagnetic pulse, nuclear winter, and contaminated environments. This caused not only Detroit, but most of the infrastructure of the world to collapse. To survive in this new world people have to scavenge for old waste and technology in these large cities to sell to the government for food and supplies. To survive the radiation people are forced to live in hazmat suits with gas masks. This makes verbal communication incredibly difficult. Thus, glyph started to form. This language is based on simple everyday objects and is drawn, scratched, or painted onto surfaces.