Our task for this project was to reframe/ rebrand a concept in America. A brand is more than just the sum of its tangible parts, such as type, color, logo, images, and materials. It is also about the design thinking behind the brand- the ethos, myths, essence, promise, and stewardship. In this group project, we thought about America and the trends that we think need to change. This led to the birth of Flawesome (flaws=awesome)

Middle school girls using filters/photoshop to change their appearance

After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, Branding, Design Thinking, Social Media

Rachel: Research/ Language/ Branding/ Concept/ Iteration
Kate: Research/ Merch Stuff/ Motion/ Stickers/ Branding


People use Photoshop, filters, and clever angles to change the way they naturally look to get the perfect "flawless" look. We rebranded the ideal woman as one who doesn't care what the beauty standard is. We used peer pressure and defiant language throughout the brand to get this point across. Editors’ marks are used throughout to incorporate a visual language that middle schoolers would be familiar with and hits home the idea of editing ourselves.


Throughout this process, I learned how to take an abstract idea and turn it into a real tangible concept. All the bits and pieces- the design thinking, marks, and visual language flow cohesively throughout the brand and the discovery of this process is the biggest takeaway.

To the left is our FigJam board with all of our research/ language/ data/ and visual langauge. Feel free to click around!